Is the director completely sold on the idea of combining the two firms? The top of the castle tower has been shot off. Раунд Сейшелы. URL: www. Gscholastic 1. May we see around the house? The children came in soaked through, so we put them in a hot bath. I am sick of being shoved about. Almond et al. Could you saw the branches into equal lengths of wood?
Hasan Kayali. Anatol Lieven. Herbert Croly. Michael B. Germany Oxford University Press, Oxford Mommsen ed. Sidney Webb. A Lodge in the Wilderness, republished. Судну нанесена пробоина (трещина) The vessel sustained a hole (a crack). Теплоход наскочил на брекватер (на причал) M /v struck the breakwater (pier, quay).
Gspecification noun 1 спецификация, детализация; детализирование 2 деталь, подробность контракта и т. When the thieves had served out two years in prison, they returned to a life of crime. I must set the living room straight before the visitors arrive. Only by soaking yourself in the details can you gain a thorough understanding of the subject. As she fell, she slopped the wine all over his shirt.
The old dog was so thin that his bones showed through his skin. The End of History and the Last Man. Supply Day - день рассмотрения проекта государственного бюджета в палате общин 2. This additional page must be set in at the correct point in the article. Оставьте свой комментарий об этой страничке:. This animal scrapes out a hole in the sand to lay its eggs in. Why do you always side against me? Only by soaking yourself in the details can you gain a thorough understanding of the subject. Only one game separates us from total victory. The lower part of his face was all shot away.
Syn: answer, ease, fill, fulfil, meet, palliate Ant: miss, refuse, worsen. What have I ever done to set her against me? Scandinavian 1. This man will never set the Thames on fire. Наглым людям нужно давать отпор. Herbert Croly. We had to use such a lot of cloths to soak up the pool on the floor. Syn: see topic.
The soldier was charted with sneaking army food out of the camp. He stopped his ears with his hands to shut out the terrible noise. A Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals noun Общество за- щиты животных от жестокого обращения. Scatter some of this powder round the roots to help the plant grow. Syn: see eat.
There are two other servants who sleep out. Syn: see write II v. Could you saw the branches into equal lengths of wood? Two men were sent up to the top of the mountain. The old dog was so thin that his bones showed through his skin. Sidney Webb. Syn: see cry. The new director was asked to sort the workers out. Syn: answer, ease, fill, fulfil, meet, palliate Ant: miss, refuse, worsen. The unexpected news made him sit up.
Performing by herself showed her up as a rather poor singer. Faces of Nationalism. John is set on playing cricket for the school. That wine seems to smack of sunny hillsides. Syn: gibe, jeer, sneer, taunt Ant: praise II 1. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children noun Общество защиты детей от жестокого обращения.
Syn: see eat. How can I shut out such harmful thoughts? The End of History and the Last Man. The oil and water will separate out if the mixture is left standing. The door slammed to in the high wind. Shangri-La noun 1 райский уголок 2 amer. The unexpected news made him sit up. Gsprat noun 1 килька, шпрот; всякая мелкая рыба, похожая на кильку 2 joc.
The old woman claims to be able to see into the future. Only by soaking yourself in the details can you gain a thorough understanding of the subject. Eugen Weber. Syn: enliven, excite, galvanize, titillate, whet Ant: deaden, dull, enervate, quell, subdue. Shangri-La noun 1 райский уголок 2 amer.
The miners were soon smothered in coal dust as the roof fell. Population Division. Parts of the road have sunk in. Our forces have succeeded in shoving the enemy back on all fronts. Tom had to set his new book by for a year. All books must be signed out.
The murderer smeared blood on the face of the man so that he would seem guilty. My husband will show you around while I get the tea. Syn: see overhear. I could hear Father sounding off on his favourite subject again. She sifted out the stones from the soil. Syn: see immerse. It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behaviour. Setting forth on a journey meant a great deal of preparation. Syn: cop, filch, lift, pilfer, pinch, purloin, sneak, swipe see lurk 2. Saxon 1. Her continuing courage shines through all her actions. He had not been gone more than a week when his mother sent after him to ask how he was. Half his leg below the knee had been sawn off by the teeth of the shark. Why do you always side against me? I must set the living room straight before the visitors arrive.
Michael B. Siamese 1. The castle tower has been shot away. After ten years, I at last decided to sign off and go into business by myself. The whole committee sat down on the suggestion as being completely unsuitable. The chairman stopped speaking to allow time for the meaning of his remark to seep in. The child was able to screen out the noises surrounding him.
I sine die noun lat. I set the basket against the door. She smothered the child in kisses as soon as they met. Every time that delicate subject was mentioned, he would sheer off. She was determined to sit the other woman out. The children came in soaked through, so we put them in a hot bath. The terrorist placed the bomb on the doorstep and then scuttled off. The old man shuffled out of the room, complaining about the way he had been treated. At least there are good restaurants in this city to set off the disadvantages of the weather. If you are clever you can sometimes skate round the tax laws. Shangri-La noun 1 райский уголок 2 amer. Why did you send the children out to play б выпускать, испускать; излучать; the trees send out leaves деревья покрываются листвой The fire sent out a lot of smoke but little damage was caused. SB I Bachelor of Science noun бакалавр естественных наук II simultaneous broadcast noun одновременное радиовещание по нескольким станциям III southbound noun в южном направлении. Performing by herself showed her up as a rather poor singer. Syn: see immerse.
If you sniff up this special drug, it will clear your head. Performing by herself showed her up as a rather poor singer. I hope Father will sleep off his bad temper. Money seems unimportant when set beside the joys of family life. The railway system in our country is being slimmed down. Foreign Affairs, pp. Every time that delicate subject was mentioned, he would sheer off. Tom had to set his new book by for a year. Slavonian 1. Send the letters along to my office. R, Mukmbaev, A. On Monday, the power supply will be shut down for the whole building. Can you see ahead to the year ? Скажи спасибо! I want to hear the news; б coll.
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Set the eggs gently in the basket. They tried to smother up the murder by pretending that his death was accidental. Syn: answer, ease, fill, fulfil, meet, palliate Ant: miss, refuse, worsen. II noun 1 конный завод; конюшня 2 amer. After a three-mile chase, he was able to shake off the police. Bad weather has sent the ticket sales down. How can you shrug off a feeling of helplessness? Jane got into the music school by scraping through the examination.
These price limits are set down by the government. John is set on playing cricket for the school. Perhaps you need a holiday to spunk you up. That wine seems to smack of sunny hillsides. Oh, nothing, just stooging about most of the morning. Cambridge University Press, pp.
Пробы Экстази, скорость о. Раунд Сейшелы The paint has just been slapped on! Set the eggs gently in the basket. Syn: see quell. It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behaviour. I set the whole afternoon by for work on the book.
The law sets down that speed limits must be obeyed. Parts of the road have sunk in. It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behaviour. John is set on playing cricket for the school. URL: www. II noun amer. I spent ten minutes searching through the drawer for the key, and it was in my bag all the time! The old man shuffled out of the room, complaining about the way he had been treated. Syn: see urbane. Herbert Croly. My mother used to have a female servant who slept in. All reports must be sent in by the end of the week. The jewel thief sneaked up on the house without being seen.
Supply Day - день рассмотрения проекта государственного бюджета в палате общин 2. The paint has just been slapped on! The room was saturated with smoke. This man will never set the Thames on fire. Please submit your DMCA takedown request to dmca telegram. She could not find the right words, but her meaning shone through. We had to set down rules for the behaviour of the members.
I can see a bird up the chimney. Some of you passed well, but most of you only skinned through the examination. Set the glass in carefully so that it fits the window frame exactly. The children sailed into the food that we offered them! This warm sun sends me to sleep. The new director was asked to sort the workers out. Gspecification noun 1 спецификация, детализация; детализирование 2 деталь, подробность контракта и т. I have a little money set by for our holidays. It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behaviour. As there is no post, everyone uses the telephones, which has snarled up the whole system. The child was able to screen out the noises surrounding him. Soviet rus. He has a strange ability for sniffing out the cause of the trouble. Syn: see shake.
Siamese 1. He has a strange ability for sniffing out the cause of the trouble. The children were sold short by their parents. Soviet rus. Syn: see cut 2. Every time a new baby arrives in the neighbourhood, she has to go and slop over it. The law sets down that speed limits must be obeyed. After ten years, I at last decided to sign off and go into business by myself. After a three-mile chase, he was able to shake off the police. Set the eggs gently in the basket. If you set your answers out neatly, the examiners will be influenced in your favour.
After a three-mile chase, he was able to shake off the police. I can see a bird up the chimney. All reports must be sent in by the end of the week. Syn: see faint. Sevket Pamuk. The whole committee sat down on the suggestion as being completely unsuitable. The old man was employed to see the children across the busy street. Syn: see tip. My husband will show you around while I get the tea. Sunday noun 1 воскресенье 2 attr. Parts of the road have sunk in. I have to set some hours apart specially for writing my paper. Students are asked to sign out as they leave. Where can I scare up some more paper? Chua, Political Tribes.
How long have you been signing on? Since she did not answer, I set her down as fearful and nervous. The students tend to slacken off after the first few weeks when their interest is new. We had to set down rules for the behaviour of the members. Syn: see faint. Her age showed up all too clearly. Perhaps you need a holiday to spunk you up.
Getting the car into the garage, I shaved off some of the paint from the door. R, Mukmbaev, A. The children sailed into the food that we offered them! Parts of the road have sunk in. I want to sew up as many votes in the election as possible. II noun секундная стрелка. Our forces have succeeded in shoving the enemy back on all fronts. The unexpected news made him sit up. The old man shuffled out of the room, complaining about the way he had been treated. Our Posthuman Future. Наглым людям нужно давать отпор. After a three-mile chase, he was able to shake off the police. Please submit your DMCA takedown request to dmca telegram. The Free Press, Summa Technologiae. The speaker sailed into his opponent.]
Die Moderne Nation Tuebingen , quoted in Tibi, op cit. How can we shame the boy out of such unacceptable behaviour? Syn: see scoff. II noun amer. So few people came that we decided to scrub round the meeting б coll. The cave is very narrow ahead, but we should be able to skin through.